Dr Johanneke Sytsema
Project Description: Our knowledge of the linguistic systems of early Germanic comes from manuscripts. For Middle Dutch quite a few literary manuscripts have been handed down and most of them were made available in excellent diplomatic editions, especially in the series Middeleeuwse verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden. One major manuscript that has never been edited diplomatically is Ms.Marshall 29 located in the Bodleian Library in Oxford and dates back to around 1375. Based on a careful study of these texts, Aditi Lahiri and I plan to provide a comprehensive segmental and prosodic phonological analysis of 14th century Dutch. My diplomatic edition of Ms Marshall 29 can be found on the project website http://www.ling-phil.ox.ac.uk/dutch.
Other Research interests: historical linguistics, phonology, Middle Dutch, Old Frisian.
Recent Publications
Sytsema, Johanneke, Janet Grijzenhout and Aditi Lahiri (2014). Middle Dutch Back Vowels in Rhymes. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 17/2: 157-183.
Sytsema, Johanneke (2014). Codex Unia: edition and reconstruction. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 73: 497-526.
Sytsema, Johanneke (2012). Diplomatyske Utjefte Kodeks Unia (Diplomatic edtion of Codex Unia) http://tdb.fryske-akademy.eu/tdb/index-unia.html