New Knowledge Centre for Digital Resources for the Languages in Ireland and Britain
The Faculty of Linguistics in Oxford will be the main coordinating institution in a new collaborative venture, the CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Digital Resources for the Languages in Ireland and Britain, DR-LIB for short. DR-LIB is the latest CLARIN Knoweldge Centre to receive accreditation and join the growing number of these centres which offer advice, support and access to expertise in various areas of digital scholarship, as part of the CLARIN European Research Infrastructure. DR-LIB will support researchers and others who want to find and use software programmes and digital datasets in the languages of Britain and Ireland, with a primary focus on regional languages and varieties. DR-LIB is a joint initiative from Cardiff University, Dublin City University, the University of Edinburgh, Lancaster University and the University of Oxford, and which will also draw on a panel of experts across Europe. The main contacts in Oxford are Megan Bushnell and Martin Wynne. More information can be found here.